Fuel Price cycle.

Fuel Price cycle.

The scam that the fuel companies run that is the price cycle is just plain wrong. Fuel price should not change 40 cents or more per liter overnight. The fuel company spin doctors will tell you it just reflects the price of oil and the manufacture of petrol, wrong, wrong, wrong. it is just a money grab.

I often see competing fuel outlets with a fuel price 60 cent per liter different although they are a couple of hundred meters apart. Don’t tell me that the cheaper one is selling the fuel below cost! Ain’t going to happen.

Its just a bloody rip off.

There is a better solution.

  1. Make the fuel retailers lock in a fuel price for a one month period. Imagine being 40 cents per liter more expensive than the guy just down the road for a whole month. It might make you a little more competitive next month.
  2. Perth Fuel Watch, that list the cheapest outlets around town should also list the most expensive. How many customers do you think you will get being on top of the most expensive list.
  3. How to get this to happen? Pick the biggest player and just don’t buy their products for a whole month. We all have to buy fuel but there are plenty of choices.